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Creepshow - The Man in the Suitcase

I am all for bizarre tales that knock you for a loop. “The Man in the Suitcase” definitely fits the bill. Now, some stoner who is practically dumped and cheated on by a narcissistic girlfriend and is about to crash out of college picking up the wrong luggage from baggage claim, discovering a twisted Indian man (Ravi Naidu) in a suitcase (arms, legs, torso, and head all pretzeled somehow inside this confined space is quite a sight) alone is quite jarring. But when anyone attempts to free the poor guy, and absolute pain results, Ravi “spits out gold coin”. That alone is quite a kick in the pants. But how the stoner, Justin (Will Kindrachuck), is influenced by his neighbor, Alex (Ian Gregg) and girlfriend, Carla (Madison Bailey), to “punish” the guy in order to rake up coin for their own greed and avarice is even more twisted than the body of Ravi in the suitcase. All sorts of violence is used against Ravi (electrocution, wrenches, kicks, etc.) to get the coin. Eventually, Justin says enough, resulting in Carla hitting him over the head with a wrench, watching as he falls down the stairs of the apartment complex. Alex and Carla believe with Justin out of the way, one more use of violence against Ravi might get them a good cache but he has other plans for them. Ravi sort of leaves behind a “care package” for Justin, compromising his part in past punishment for deciding to stop, equipping himself with victims in suitcases to suit his own needs as he “takes a vacation”. Lots of luggage, too! This one features a big spectacular visual effects sequence where Ravi reveals himself to be this supernatural presence of power, startling Alex and Carla, who weren’t anticipating their goldmine to be much more than a victim to exploit. 2.5/5


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