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Battlestar Galactica - Guess What's Coming to Dinner

So Natalie Six model, the Cylon skinjob leader of their revolt, had accomplished quite a feat: she was able to stand before the Quorum with permission from President Roslin to speak about an actual alliance. Not just that: she actually presents her case before Roslin and Admiral Adama. Tigh and Foster are there to sit uncomfortably while Natalie brought up the plan to locate the five, which they are a part of, and mentions that the seemingly all-knowing hybrid could provide details about their identities. The episode's ending--which interlocks an operahouse vision shared by Roslin and Sharon Agathon, to Sharon following her "miracle child", Hera, to Natalie Six and the gunshot that perhaps ruins the masterplan to find the five--certainly once again serves as a wrench complicating relations between the humans and Cylons. Even offered as an olive branch is the chance to destroy any chance for Cylon skinjobs to use the resurrection ship "bath" again. The chance to locate the five and reawaken the hybrid to find out...if only Natalie wasn't shot by Sharon and the hybrid hadn't sounded off for the damaged Basestar to jump!

The episode gets a lot of characters involved which I always dig. Even Tyrol is asked by Sharon to carry Hera away from a receptive Natalie, unsure just why Agathon wanted her dead. The vision even features Baltar being handed Hera by Six at the entrance of the operahouse. Baltar tells his radio broadcast that Roslin has the same visions as cylons, and Lee, at the behest of the Quorum, requests the President to speak to them, to be more transparent with them about matters so often kept secret. Roslin does admit to what Baltar has said and let's Foster know she knows about the affair with her oft-nemesis. 

So this episode is loaded with developments. Starbuck can't reconcile what the hybrid said about being a harbinger of evil. She does tell Roslin she'd help her understand the operahouse visions. Roslin and Baltar leave to meet the hybrid on the Basestar so the jump sends them away.

Tigh's conflicted feelings about being Cylon, listening as the pursuit of the five could expose him, is a great dramatic piece that is ongoing as the rest also struggle with such secretive knowledge. He even tries to convince Roslin and Adama to just destroy the hub that allows the Cylons to resurrect, but the President wants to know the five. And Natalie revealed the five were in the fleet, more likely on Galactica. And also revealed is D'Anna knows the identities of the five.

And if all that wasn't enough Gaeta loses a leg below a knee because of the accidental gunshot wound, singing a melancholy song in sickbay. Natalie felt the humans would betray her so she organized a kidnapping of the President with help from Sharon models and Leoben, regretting the decision, returning to Galactica to try and keep anyone from boarding until the Cylon Toasters could be reprogrammed to stand down.

Natalie says to the Quorum it was fate she found Starbuck, so it was too bad she had to cross Sharon Agathon on a bad day. 4/5


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