Barry - Past = Present x Future Over Yesterday
I guess I will always sort of tie Barry to Game of Thrones just because the second season was my "come down" from each episode. You do have intense moments on Barry, though, even if there are a lot absurd comic moments often produced from a hitman's peculiar foray of characters the continue to interfere with his "acting process". Past = Present x Future Over Yesterday--such a title for the episode!--allows us to see Barry and Sally work through the past, applying untruths as truths in order to better complement their character. For Barry, it is embellishing an incident in a town where a soldier friend of his is hit by a sniper bullet during a dispute over the murder of a donkey while Sally includes a "fuck you, you coward" before leaving an abusive boyfriend, an addition her friend (they skype talk) doesn't recall. Sally included this to make herself appear strong when she essentially fled the relationship for LA without telling him as he laid passed out after choking her because of dancing with another guy at a bar. Barry just doesn't want to talk about a not-so-heroic history oversees in the Middle East, but Gene refuses to let him go from that obligation. Sitting at a keyboard, Barry keeps writing and backspacing while Sally works through that night abusive Sam pushed her to leave home for Hollywood. Sally seems determined to put a positive spin on her bad experience while Barry turns to Fuches for support as he remembers back to a not-so-pleasant memory as a soldier often celebrating kills that perhaps should be more than a bit frowned upon if not flat out abhorred. Gene trying to give his cabin over to his son, not-so-subtly inferring he might keep the grounds cleaned up just further wedges their relationship...Gene just seems incapable of making that father-son dynamic click. NoHo Hank, reeling from Esther's survival thanks to Barry chickening out, tries to use a member of his crew to sniper kill Barry for his failure to remove a rival opposing his stewardship with Cristobal. Barry agreeing to train NoHo's gang in order to be free of him does appear to be an agreement certain to give him great pains...particularly when their use of guns seem clumsy and amateur, targets out in a desert on the outskirts of LA barely hit by any bullets fired. One among them actually does take out two bottles as the other members celebrate his "victory". Barry put in a scene with Sally that requires him to call her a whore and choke her he obviously isn't comfortable with to the point where he's like, "Fuck this". He seems to draw a line against playing Sam and hurting the woman he cares for although Sally encourages him to do as Gene reach into that inherent darkness and let it out. [3/5]
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