Californication, Season I - Whore of Babylon
Occasionally I return back to this blog, get a brief fling going, then retreat back to wherever my interests get distracted by. Back to this show, it's a wild alternative Duchovny show, with his Hank hearing Karen confront him with her fiance's blog job and giving their daughter something to look up to him for. His agent knew he wouldn't take the job if he knew William was the boss, concealing that in the hopes his client might end the five year drought. Meanwhile Hank has found his way into a possible relationship with a pretty redhead divorce attorney involved with a married man more than five years. A dog and painting worth a small fortune are stolen from the married guy's house, Hank finds new owners for, Mia steals Hank's story for a creative writing class, and Karen prepares for her wedding to William...oh, and Hank gets into a scuffle with the director responsible for his book's cheesy adaptation he ceases never a lecture not to trash.
Meredith being a precious teen daughter to William is like the sword of Damocles to Hank. It certainly continues to create unease and awkwardness. Not to mention, Hank's agent has a secretary with a fetish for being 'corrected" for mistakes, a careful apology email letting him know she's game for a spanking if his demands are not met.
This definitely feels like 2007 television because it would take audacity to pen scripts and direct them today.
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