X Files - You Still Have Nothing
"And I still have you." - Mulder to Scully after realizing he still has no evidence of extraterrestrial life while investigating a tape recording at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. The Watergate scandal on television when Samantha was taken and a young Fox Mulder cannot stop it, that bright light and just this bodily form that might be alien in the same episode as Fox later seeing that same potential form within a bright light at the Observatory in "Little Green Men", the 30th anniversary coming up, I was happy to once again revisit the second season opener as I always do from time to time. It's got Senator Richard Matheson coordinating with Mulder, giving him bread crumbs towards evidence thanks to contact through the Voyager probe.
I love seeing Skinner tell Cigarette Smoking Man to get out of his office when the cretin gloats about Mulder losing the X Files and having nothing. Even while leaving his post after wire tap surveillance work, Mulder is not punished by Skinner. At least Mulder has a potential ally in Skinner and will always have Scully.
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