Danny Huston is leader of the vampires in 30 Days of Night (2007)

I think if there is a particular critique against the film, it might be the less-than-complex plot. This is a vampire movie. It will obviously feature blood-letting and carnivorous activity. The citizens of Barrow will be bled dry and fed from. A small band of survivors will try and eliminate the threat, and a heavy price will be paid in the process.

To make things interesting, sunlight is removed from the equation, placing even greater peril upon those who have the misfortune of living in Barrow. That’s the draw and what the movie hung its nightmare on. One of the chief weaknesses of the bloodsucker is those death rays of the sun; so with Alaska not having that, this provides vampires (led by a ferocious and damned scary Danny Huston) with a distinct advantage (if they didn’t have enough advantages already, right?) further complicating matters for the humans.

What is a nice surprise is how these vampires aren’t from Twilight or of the usual Gothic variety. They’re hungry and unhinged, with a ferocity and primal savagery most welcome. The vampires, to me, need to be right out of a nightmare. When they show up and attack, I think we should have a gulp in our throat while watching them. I think 30 Days of Night accomplishes this at least. The meteorologist is a fine example of how fast and dangerous the vampires are. They surround you and pounce without much hesitation and go right for the jugular damn near immediately. The feast is in their sights and like starving animals they are, the vampires aren’t willing to wait long for the meal. It shouldn’t surprise us that the vampires lay waste to Barrow in such fashion as they do.


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